Codes To Unlock Characters In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Published:Dec 5, 202322:34
Codes To Unlock Characters In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

To unlock every character in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you'll need to play through all nine movies and perform specific tasks, but you can get a few by simply entering a code. TT Games and Warner Bros. Interactive provided Game Informer with several codes at launch. When you boot up the game, enter the pause screen, then access the option "Enter Code."

The codes will add a variety of characters like Dengar and Emperor Palpatine. Getting these characters early is a big win, as they are a part of classes you'll need to perform certain feats and don't normally unlock until later in the game. Here are the codes:

Aayla Secura: KH7P320
Admiral Holdo: XV4WND9
C-3PO (Holiday): C3PHOHO
Chewbacca (Holiday): WOOKIEE
Dengar: OKV7TLR
D-O (Holiday): TIPYIPS
Emperor Palpatine: SIDIOUS
Gonk Droid (Holiday): LIFEDAY
Grand Moff Tarkin: 3FCPPVX
Mister Bones: BAC1CKP
Nute Gunray: WBFE4GO
Poe Dameron (Holiday): KORDOKU
Poggle The Lesser: Z55T8CQ
Ratts Tyerell: GR2VBXF
Razor Crest (Ship): ARVALA7
Resistance I-TS Transport (Ship): SHUTTLE
Shaak Ti: VT1LFNH
Shmi Skywalker: T9LM1QF
Snap Wexley: SKYSAGA

We'll update this list as more character codes are discovered. Until then, have fun unlocking characters on your own, and may the Force be with you!

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